Tuesday, 5 November 2019

A Sunny Day at Dungeness

27th October 2019

A beautiful calm and sunny day at this superb site so lets see what we can find. First stop was the fishing boats to see if the Gannets were repeating their last year's performance when 20 of them were plunging into the sea fairly close in. Sadly no sign of any Gannets at all today, just a loose flock of 16 Great Crested Grebes. Walking back to the car we did manage to find a late Wheatear which was reasonably trusting and perched a couple of times on some Sea Kale.

There were also a couple of very flighty Black Redstarts, but neither as cooperative as the birds around The Moat by the Observatory.

There were also three Stonechats around the Obs, but this single female was feeding close to the railway station.

A quick visit to the ARC pit produced the only Chiffchaff of the day, and flocks of Black-tailed Godwits and Golden Plovers on the pit.

On the RSPB reserve Burrowes Pit was fairly quiet although the Gadwalls and Shovelers were performing well in the afternoon sun

However, the main attraction on the reserve day was the female Long-tailed Duck which, albeit a bit distant, did come close enough once or twice for a few record shots.

However, the star of the show today was back on the beach. As I approached the brow of the shingle bank and peered over to see if there were any Gannets nearby, there just 20 yards in front of me was a superb Red-throated Diver which instead of diving immediately just stared at me inquisitively. Why can't they all be like that?

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