Friday, 1 November 2019

A Couple of Hours at the Magic Post

22nd October 2019

It was a beautiful calm day in The Brecks but desperately quiet. Even at Lynford Arboretum the feeding station was only attracting a couple of Great Tits and Chaffinches, with no sign of any Bramblings which are often present. So time to walk down the hill to see if there was any action at the Magic Post.

Rather unusually the Seed Fairy hadn't paid a visit last night so it was up to me to re-fuel the post, set up the camera on the tripod and wait to see how long it took for word to get around. Well, in fact only a few seconds before the resident Robin appeared for his lunch, quickly followed by both Blue and Great Tits. The light was pretty poor so it was necessary to dig deep into the ISO reserves.

An unexpected visitor was this Long-tailed Tit, the first I have seen at the post. It didn't seem to know quite what to do at first so watched the Blue Tit for guidance before trying his hand. However, he obviously wasn't too impressed as he took his reward and departed, never to be seen again!!

Marsh Tits were far less common this time, with only a couple of visits. They too seemed to be a little unsure at first but soon mastered the technique.

But the stars of the show as usual were the Nuthatches. The main difference between Nuthatches and the other birds is that Nuthatches are incredibly fussy and will chuck out all the food until they find a sunflower seed and then leave the post to open the shell and eat the seed inside.

Note that all the selected seeds are sunflowers.

Well, not quite the day I had planned but once again the Magic Post saved the day. Hope the Seed Fairy is alright.

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