Saturday, 9 November 2019

A Late Autumn Visit to Walton-on-the-Naze

31st October 2019

After three days of easterly winds it was time to pay a visit to Walton-on-the-Naze in the hope of a sprinkling of migrants such as Yellow-browed and Pallas' Warblers. Rather surprisingly it was fairly quiet, although there had clearly been a reasonable fall of Robins. After a quick look down the double hedge we headed straight for the Sycamores where Pallas' Warbler had been reported for the last couple of days. Sadly, although some birders had been searching since first light there was no sign so presumably it had departed for pastures new overnight.

However, by way of consolation there were large numbers of Goldcrests present, probably in excess of 20, which were moving round a small circuit but always returning to the Sycamores which, if the behaviour of the Goldcrests was anything to go by, were host to thousands of hibernating insects.

Despite their rather confiding nature, Goldcrests can be tricky to photograph as they rarely settle, are very quick and will unexpectedly fly towards you which can be a problem with a prime lens. I remember very well from my days on Fair Isle that they were the hardest birds to drive into a heligoland trap because whereas other birds would always move ahead of you, Goldcrests would fly back over your shoulder.

Anyway, excuses over, here are the results of a very pleasurable couple of hours.

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