16th March 2025
It won't be long now before the Short-eared Owls depart for their breeding grounds so time for a last visit of the winter. It was a lovely sunny morning so a leisurely drive up the entrance track to see what was about. The first bird to show was a lone Redshank feeding along one of the many ditches. There were others around but all distant.
After a brief stop in the car park for breakfast, time for a stroll down the track to the hides. Not unusual to see a Heron on the track here but its behaviour suggested something odd was going on. It was struggling with a Grass Snake and didn't seem to know what to do with it now that it had caught it!!!
A little further along a male Kestrel was hovering over the rough grass at the side of the track and was so engrossed in what it was doing seemed totally oblivious to my presence.
The Wellmarsh Hide was quiet as the water levels were very high although there were two Turnstones feeding on one of the islands.
Still plenty of Brent Geese around with quite a lot of movement to and from the reserve and The Swale.
Elmley has always provided superb grazing conditions for Wigeon and today large flocks were flying in to feed accompanied by that wonderful whistling sound.
For some reason there seemed to be a lot of Marsh Harrier activity around the South Fleet Hide. There were up to five birds in the area, all females, and kept on disappearing into a particular spot in the reeds.
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