Thursday, 21 November 2019

This Week I Have Been Mostly Photographing Short-eared Owls

10th November 2019

Winter marches on and the Short-eared Owls continue to move south so time for another visit to Wallasea Island. There were none flying during the early afternoon, but we were entertained by a few fly-by Marsh Harriers including this rather smart male that appeared to be eyeing up this birder on the sea wall. What fantastic colours.

The local pair of Buzzards also put in an appearance flying over against a clear blue sky. The colours can't really compete with the male harriers, but beautifully marked nevertheless.

So now time to get into position for the target species, the Short-eared Owls. They appeared on cue at about 3.30pm and put on a stunning display in the late afternoon sun, the golden hour. A golden bird in the golden hour, what a combination!!

They also obliged with a number of "attacks" providing some great opportunities for some action shots.

We had been watching four birds and back at the car we found out that that had been another two in a separate area bringing the total to six birds in all. And to finish off the day, as we set off down the road the whole area was illuminated by the full moon. How good is that?


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