Sunday, 17 November 2019

A Barn Owl at Rainham Marshes

7th November 2019

We didn't arrive until late morning when it was forecast that the rain would clear, and a quick tour of the reserve revealed that all was quiet, so we when round to the car park in Coldharbour Lane and took up position in the hope of some owls.

At precisely 1537 hours a Barn Owl appeared from the direction of the submarine watch-tower and proceeded to hunt over the area to the north of the river wall and immediately below the car park.

The owl was fairly distant most of the time but at one point sat on a post allowing a couple of closer shots.

At 1549 hours a Short-eared Owl put in an appearance in the same area but was too distant and too dark for any shots.............but I'll be back!!!


  1. I have been following your blog for some time, what are the chances of short eared owls at Rainham Marshes (it and Elmley Marsh are convenient for me). I was hoping of seeing over Christmas.
    Thank you in advance

  2. There have been two Short-eared Owls at Rainham in recent weeks. Don't know about Elmley. The best place at the moment is Wallasea Island.


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