Sunday, 10 February 2019

A Winter's Day at Frampton Marsh

28th January 2019

A bright sunny day at Frampton Marsh and we spent the first half an hour around the visitor centre photographing the large flock of House Sparrows, Starlings and Goldfinches around the feeders.

There was also a good variety of ducks in front of the centre including Shoveler, Teal, Goldeneye and a large flock of Wigeon.

The Wigeon in particular are very good value as they graze the grassy banks right next to the path and are fairly approachable.

On the trail through the centre of the reserve were several Sky Larks and a few Meadow Pipits, but were very often lost in the long grass. Luckily the Meadow Pipits often jumped up on to the barbed wire fences.

For some reason the Lapwings at Frampton are very tame and will continue feeding and posing as you walk past. Just look at that kaleidoscope of colours. Tug-a-worm!!

The Greylag Geese were asleep after a hard mornings feeding, but the Brent Geese were very active along the sea wall.

They were all feeding furiously and many more were continually flying in to join them.

It would appear that we were quite lucky with the Whooper Swans, as of late they have only been flying on to the reserve at dusk. However today they flew in during the morning and were present all day. Just look at that brilliant white plumage against the dark blue water.

From the 360 degree hide were a family party of two adults and five young which occasionally got close enough to each other to get all seven in the shot.

But the best bit of all was when they all decided to take off.

Well, what another wonderful day at Frampton Marsh. After a bite to eat and a cup of coffee we set off on our way home along the track when a female Marsh Harrier appeared over the reed bed and spent the next 20 minutes doing laps and occasionally landing in the reed bed. It looked positively glowing in the late afternoon sun, the Golden Hour, and what a superb way to end the day.

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