Monday, 6 August 2018

Red-necked Phalarope at Oare Marshes

28th July 2018

Time for another visit to Oare Marshes now that the water levels should be going down, and hearing on the way down that a Red-necked Phalarope had been found was a bonus. Conditions were absolutely perfect and good numbers of Black-tailed Godwits were already present.

Avocets were also well represented as usual but with a lot of activity, often involving what appeared to be paired birds.

It is fairly well-known that Avocets are very protective to their young, and are not at all concerned about the size of the adversary.

There were a few Little Ringed Plovers which mainly kept tantalizingly out of camera range, but also some early Golden Plovers on hand which were a bit more obliging.

Ruff were also starting to migrate, although none of the gawdy moulting males that I managed to photograph at Titchwell last week.

The Bonaparte's Gull, now at Oare Marshes for its sixth year was always present at high tide, but starting to lose its black cap. I wonder where it goes during the summer?

The first signs of autumn migration were the presence of Little Stints and Curlew Sandpipers, but sadly the minute Little Stints kept well out of range for any decent photos. However the Curlew Sandpipers were more obliging feeding on the mud right next to the road.

But undoubtedly today the star of the show was the Red-necked Phalarope, which was very variable in its appearances. For much of the time it was associating with the large roosting Black-tailed Godwit flock on the far side of the flood, often feeding inside the flock and only briefly popping out to give a distant view, and then it would come into the water right in front of the road.


But at other times, whether by accident or otherwise, it seemed happy feeding in close association with the much larger Black-tailed Godwits

Well, what can I say. Another fantastic day at Oare Marshes and I am sure I will be back in a couple of weeks time.

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