Friday, 10 August 2018

An Early Visit to Fingringhoe Wick

31st July 2018

I wouldn't normally go for waders at Fingringhoe Wick at this time of year as they are only just starting their return journey and therefore numbers are still relatively low. However, the reason for going today was in the hope that some, such as the Grey and Golden Plovers, would still be in summer plumage. In fact that did prove to be the case, but unfortunately they all kept their distance and photos were out of the question. I therefore had to be content with the flock of Black-tailed Godwits, many of which were indeed in summer plumage.

However, by way of compensation, there were several Greenshank around one of which came close enough for a few shots

Also on the scrape there was a sizeable roost and I counted no fewer than 65 birds, a record count for me at this site.

Fairly quiet in Robbie's Hide with just a few fly-by Greenshank and Redshank to keep me occupied, so time for a quick visit to Abberton before the homeward journey.

Fairly quiet as you would expect at this time of year and a surprising absence of the resident Yellow Wagtails which nest in the adjacent fields and use the Layer Breton causeway banks to feed. However, there was a juvenile Grey Heron feeding in the shallows to provide some close-up shots.

This young bird still had a lot o learn as it lunged into the water with gusto but never caught a fish, at least certainly not when I was there.

Its white cousin, the Great White Egret was resting in a nearby willow overhanging the water which provide some nice opportunites, although some action would have been welcome.

But the star of the show today was the fairly tame Common Sandpiper which would not only let you get close, but would also run towards you. There were 2-3 birds present, but the others were quite flighty and wouldn't let you get within 30 yards.

Why can't all birds be this cooperative?

1 comment:

  1. Amazing photos that you were able to capture. I really enjoyed seeing the ones of the birds fishing on the water's edge. Thanks for the share, hope you had a fantastic weekend. Keep up the posts.
    World of Animals


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