Monday, 10 March 2025

An Afternoon with the Owls

2nd March 2025

After a most successful morning with the Fulmars at Dover, time to move up the coast to Sandwich for the owl extravaganza. This is armchair birding as you park in a layby and have to walk at leat 20 yards to the viewing area.. Here right in front of you just 30 yards away is a cattle hay feeder which the Short-eared Owl is renowned for resting on despite the assembled throng. So let's just settle down and wait to see if it comes.

At 1.40pm a shortie appeared and began to quarter the rough ground in front of the gate.

It then came closer but instaed of heading for the hay feeder it attempted to land in the most spindly of bushes and took a time to settle and get its balance.

It then had another fly round and suddenly made a dash for the feeder.

It then decided it had an itch in one of its short ears, and in these circumstances there is no alternatve but have a scratch.

Absolutely great to get so close to these fantastic creatures, and no, I don't think it saw me!!!!

After that show we were just about to leave when a Barn Owl appeared for the finale. Now that's what I call a bonus!!!!

Well I think I can say without fear of contradiction this is one of if not the best days photography I have had since I started in 2011. 

An amazing day!!!!

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