Wednesday 25 October 2023

Stone Curlews at Cavenham Heath

15th October 2023

It's that time of year again when the Stone Curlews gather at Cavenham Heath before departing for warmer climes, so time for a visit to wish then well on their way, but first a quick call to Lakenheath Fen. The feeders on the veranda of the visitor centre were very quiet and no sign of the Kingfisher, so straight on to the photographic hide. This was also unusually quiet with no Water Rails, no Reed Buntings and not even a rat, but it was attracting some Chaffinhes and Goldfinches which were very photogenic against the dark background.

Along the trail to the Mere Hide there were dozens of Common Darters making the most of the sun, and these will now continue to fly until the first hard frosts.

Also quiet at the Mere Hide and no Bearded Tits, Kingfishers or Bitterns, just an entertaining Heron.

Just the other day I was remarking about the increase in the numbers of Great White Egrets at Abberton and now the same is happening at The Washland. Today there were seven birds fishing there but over the last few days there have been 30+.

Now on to Cavenham Heath and we were greeted by dozens of Sky Larks, with 30+ in one flock alone. Most settled in the heather out of view, but this one was either a poser or a look-out and perched on top.

But now on to the Stone Curlews. The birds not only breed here but also use it as their gatherng ground before setting off for warmer climes in late October. Several years ago I saw 30 birds at this time of year sitting on the brow of the hillocks to the west of the track. However, in recent years I have only seen up to five birds.

Just look at the colour of those tail feathers!!

However today it was very different. I could count 24 birds but they were all much closer and out in the open. I suspect there were many more hiding away as during the week Brian Anderson saw them all take to the sky for whatever reason and counted 66!!

What an amazing sight!!!!

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