Tuesday, 4 March 2025

A Visit to the Watercress Beds

27th February 2025

My annual pilgrimage to this little gem of a reserve set in the city of St Albans. Nearly had the place to myself today so set off for the central feeding station. On my way I passed this Heron sitting in the reeds and photographed it at a range of just 10 yards as it was clearly use to people.

Stock Doves often outnumber Wood Pigeons here so it was not too surprising to see one on the ground as I approached the feeders.

I then settled down on the well-placed bench and waited for the action to begin. After a few minutes I caught some movement out of the corner of my eye and looked round just in time to see a Water Rail scuttle through the reeds.

And then it all kicked off with visits from the usual suspects including Blue Tit, Great Tit, Chaffinch and Greenfinch.

Then came the first of the Watercress Beds winter specialities, the Siskin. The first three photos are a male and the second three photos are of a rather cute female.

Then the next speciality, the Redpoll. Quite a few visits today, but all males with their crimson breasts, which is most unusual.

But the star of the show today was the male Bullfinch which was taking sunflower hearts from the feeder and taking them to a neighbouring tree to eat. Unfortunately, he was going right inside the tree so plenty of branches in the way, but I did manage to find a small tunnel through the branches for a few shots. This is the first Bullfinch I have photographed for some time.

Well another great day at the Watercress Beds and nice to meet Paul Kaiser again and have a catch-up with Big  Kev.

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