Wednesday 2 October 2024

It's Not All About Birds at Fowlmere

28th September 2024

I was in the Royston area with an hour to kill so thought I would walk round Fowlmere. I was fully aware of the time of year and that both the Marsh Harriers and summer visitors would have gone and too early for winter visitors to arrive, but interested to seee what was around. Indeed my suspicions were correct and on the way to the Reed Bed Hide I didn't see a single bird, but did hear a Chiffchaff, Robin and a Cetti's Warbler.

At the Reed Bed Hide no Marsh Harriers wafting across the reeds or Reed Warblers giving tantalisingly brief glimpes in the reeds, just two Black-headed Gulls, a Little Egret and a Snipe on the far bank. However walking back along the track from the hide a dark beady eye was watching me from deep inside the grass.

It moved position slightly but was still not confident enough to leave the safety of the path edge.

We stared at each other for a minute or so until I retreated and adjusted my position to get the sun behind me. It took time but it eventually plucked up courage to come out and look for seeds on the path. A little Wood Mouse, also known as a Long-tailed Field Mouse.

That more than made up for the lack of birds, but another surprise was yet to come. As I was walking back along the boardwalk towards the reserve entrance I came across a Wasp Spider guarding its egg sac, the first Wasp Sider I have seen at Fowlmere. Unfortunately as it was guarding the egg sac it was hidden in the grass and therefore more difficult to photograph than usual, but I did manage to get this shot of the spider and another of the egg sac.

See, it's not all about birds!!!!

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