Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Snow Buntings at Jaywick

17th January 2019

Snow Buntings seem to have become a regular occurence at Jaywick over the last five years. I first photographed them on the the 24th November 2014 when there were eight birds present, and then on the 5th January 2017 when there were six birds present. This year there were seven birds present but more importantly, each year they have been in exactly the same spot give or take 10 yards.

This year they were a little more tricky to photograph as instead of feeding on the tide wrack they were feeding on seed amongst the short grasses and were therefore often obscured. However patience paid off and I eventually managed to get the following shots.

I have photographed Snow Buntings several times before and have noticed that they often stretch their wings, a behaviour that I not witnessed to the same extent in other finches or buntings.

Well that was a very successful morning and it was nice to bump into Paul Richardson and Bryan Bland who were also there to photograph the buntings. Now off to see what Abberton has to offer.

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