Tuesday 26 November 2013

A Bimble Around the Bramfield Area

13th November 2013

It was about that time of year that Hawfinches start appearing at Bramfield Church and so I set off to have a look and take in some of the surrounding areas. First stop was Holly Grove Road where I could hear Golden Plover calling from the Rape crop but none were visible. Simon Knott had said that last week a large flock had landed in the Rape and totally disappeared. There was however a flock of 40 Meadow Pipits in the Rape which were quite flighty and often landed on the wires. After a short wait I did manage to shuffle close to one but, although pipits do frequently sit on wires, I am much happier to photograph them in more natural surroundings, like this one sitting in the Rape.

Then on to the church but didn't stop as a gang of gardeners were at work with leaf blowers.

Bramfield Woods was looking good in its autumnal finery and the air was totally still. Unfortunately you could hear a pin drop because there were no birds calling at all and no evidence of any Crossbills. However, on the way back to the car there was a small tit flock (with only tits) and a few Redwings feeding on a large Rowan in the wood.

Finally, I called in at Tewinbury where there were the usual compulsory two Little Egrets. The light was superb so I couldn't resist a shot of this one with its reflection in the mill-pond calm water.

I then settled in for the long wait for a Kingfisher to appear. Actually, the wait wasn't too long and I managed to get a few shots but it never came really close or stayed for long.

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