Tuesday, 28 January 2025

How Are The Harriers Getting On?

24th January 2025

A pair of Marsh Harriers have bred at Fowlmere for several years now and always used to appear on site about March time to get ready for the breeding season. However last winter and this winter they returned in January so time for a visit to see how they are getting on. I arrived at the Reed-bed Hide at 1.30pm and settled down to wait for the action.

All very quiet at first until a lone Heron flew in and settled on the flooded cut reeds to the left of the hide. It didn't seem particularly interested in feeding and just sat there looking around, eventually flying off five minutes later.

After that the only birds that put in an appearance were raptors. First up was the resident male Kestrel which seems to enjoy having his photograph taken. He flew in and perched on one of the bare Elder bushes right in front of the hide. Why can't they all be this cooperative?

There were three Buzzards today and nothing unusual there as they are often seen soaring over the trees along the reserve boundary. But, certainly in my experience, they don't very often venture low across the reserve and certainly not close to the hide, so today was a special day.

So what of the harriers? Well, in the two hours I was there there was no sign of either the male or female and so it was assumed they were both off-site. But then just before I left the female rose out of the reed bed and completed a few laps of the reserve before landing back in the same place. This wasn't a feeding flight, more a case of stretching the wings.

Well, at least she flew close for her photo.

The male has been seen on a few occasions recently, but just not in the couple of hours I was there, so things are looking good for the upcoming breeding season.

Also good to have a catch-up with Chris Kenyon.

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