Tuesday 17 September 2024

An Autumn Visit to Walton-on-the-Naze

13th September 2024

A fine sunny morning which had obviously brought out the insects such as this Common Darter, Peacock, Red Admiral, Speckled Wood and Migrant Hawker in order of appearance. The Common Darter is a very mature female hence the grey colour.

The Common was very quiet and the John Weston track was closed due to sea defence work, so I had a wander along Cormorant Creek. On Walton Hall Marshes a lone Spoonbill was sharing the pool with six Little Egrets. I suspect this is the first Spoonbill I have ever seen at Walton.

On the sea wall were two Wheatears which eventually posed for a few photos.

Now on to the beach and I was immediately met by a Pied Wagtail that was scurrying around on the sand.

Unfortunately the tide was out so mosr birds were very distant like this Sandwich Tern and Sanderling.

However I did manage to get a little closer for this Oystercatcher and Redshanks.

Luckily Curlews are that bit larger and it was therefore easier to get some reasonaable shots.

Also nice to see a single Bar-tailed Godwit still in its summer plumage................

........................and a lone Grey Plover.

But the stars of the show today were the two Spotted Flycatchers that were performing well in a clearing in the double hedge.

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