Monday 5 August 2024

A Wood Sandpiper at Gypsy Lane East

2nd August 2024

I was last at Gypsy Lane East on the 25th July 2022 photographing........a Wood Sandpiper!!!! At the time I seem to recall there were ongoing discussions between the landowner and the local birders about the management of the site, in particular control of the willows growing in the water that were threatening to take over the scrape. I have no idea of the outcome of these talks, but it would appear that a satisfactory resolution had been reached as the site is in tip-top condition.

When I first arrived the sandpiper was about 100 yards away on the scrape to the right and therefore into the sun, so was obviously going to be a long waiting game. Birdguides was reporting the bird showing well from the screen to the east of the main viewpoint. However, this didn't seem to make sense as Gypsy Lane runs north-south and therefore anything to the east would be in the middle of the scrape!!!

Luckily a local birder showed me where the screen was, to the south of the main view-point, and you would never find it in a million years without local knowledge as it is not sign-posted and well-hidden, which is a pity as a lot of work has gone into it and it is very effective.

By now the bird had disappeared but I was told that sometimes it fed along the western bank so therefore I went to the screen, broke out lunch and waited for it to return. I didn't have to wait long before it re-appeared just 15 yards in front of the screen and performed for 10 minutes with the light behind me.

Well, if only they were all that easy!!!

A very special thanks to those who are manging this site and keeping it in such good condition, and an extra special thanks to those responsible for constructing the secret screen, which provides close views of the main scrape in much better light conditions. Well done all!!!!

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