Monday 12 August 2024

A Temminck's Stint at Blue House Farm

4th August 2024

After a most successful morning at Two Tree Isalnd at the high tide roost, time to move on to Blue House Farm to see if the Temminck's Stint is showing. The stint was first found on Round Marsh on the 2nd August and, unlike many of the waders there on our previous visits which have been very distant, this bird seems to stick close to the hide and even if it moves to another island will soon return.

Typically not in view when we arrived at the hide but a good supporting cast to keep us entertained while we wait. Right in front of the hide was a Little Grebe and female Tufted Duck, both with offspring. For some reason the adult Little Grebe climbed on to the island to stretch its wings before quickly returning to the water.

And if you think humbugs are cute, just look at this little fella!!!

This female Pochard also had a brood..................

.........................and seemed quite intrigued by what was going on in the hide.

Of the waders this Redshank was the first to appear and was feeding reasonably close for a while.

Most of the two hundred Black-tailed Godwits were on the far side of the scrape until this one flew in and settled briefly but didn't stay long.

There were a couple of Greenshanks and these definitely keep their distance, but near enough for a couple of record shots.

There were nine Spoonbills on site but these were roosting on the far side of the scrape but did get disturbed a couple of times.

Sandpipers were well represented with three species present and here are some shots of Common and Green Sandpipers. This is a juvenile Common Sandpiper with pale fringes to the wing coverts.

This s a Green Sandpiper and on the second photo showing the famous white rump.

And just look at those smart underwing axillaries!!!!

But the bonus today was the presence of three Wood Sandpipers which on occasions would stray closer to the hide for some shots.

What absolutely smart birds.

So what about the Temminck's Stint? Well it didn't show for a while, not because it had flown off but merely because it was on the far side of one of the islands right in front of the hide. It first appeard on an island about 25 yards away, but gradually worked its way along and eventually was just 12 yards in front of the hide. Why can't it always be this easy?


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