Monday 17 June 2024

A Hobby at Fowlmere

13th June 2024

The purpose of my visit to Fowlmere was to see how the Marsh Harriers were gettng on, but while I was waiting for some action a Hobby appeared and took over the show. It hunted over and around the reed bed for over an hour and because the temperature was low the insects weren't too high in the sky bringing the Hobby down a bit lower.

The light wasn't very good, but the overcast skies did have the advantage of killing off any heat haze, so here are some of the results.

Hobbys are very fast and from a focussing point of view are easier to photograph against the sky although are probably better against a woodland background, and I managed to grab these two shots.

The Hobby was managing to catch lots of insects, mainly dragonflies, and always ate them in the air.

Flying around for over an hour can be exhausting, so time for a well-earned break in a nearby willow!!!!

Now back to the harriers so watch this space.

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