Friday 7 June 2024

A Couple of Hours with some Marsh Harriers

2nd June 2024

Thought I would try a new site today so just settled down with a sandwich to see what developed. It wasn't too long before I was joined my a Muntjac which knew I was there and kept its eye on me, but otherwise kept on feeding.

A Chiffchaff was singing non-stop at the top of a nearby Silver Birch.....................

...................while a male Reed Bunting was singing from a willow to its mate out in the reedbed.

The only other supporting cast was a fly-by by a pair of Shelduck.

Eventually a female Marsh Harrier appeared and circled lazily overhead before drifting off.

Then about 10 minutes later a male appeared and headed for the reedbed.

It came in low and circled the reed bed staring down as it went and was therefore obviously searching for prey.

Just look at that concentration!!!

Then it spotted something and dropped into the reeds, still with its eye fixed firmly on its prey.

After a minute or so it emerged with a small prey item, too small to identify. It then flew off with it to feed its partner or young.

It did eventually re-appear but was unsuccessful this time.

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