Thursday 20 May 2021

Lesser Spotted Woodpecker at Fishers Green

5th May 2021

A male Lesser Spotted Woodpecker had been reported in the Fishers Green area for the last week or so, but was fairly wide-ranging being reported from areas as far apart as Cheshunt Lock and the Bittern Watchpoint area. However, armed with some information on the last two sightings it was time to set off and try our luck.

As I stepped out of the car the air was full of bird song, particularly the rattley song of the Whitethroat. One particular individual was really putting on a show and provided a few opportunities for some shots.

Down by the River Lea a Great Crested Grebe was sitting on a nest. As it got up to leave the nest its head got nearer and nearer to the water and I just wonder whether if it could see its reflection and if so what it made of it.

All very quiet on the water at the viewpoint apart from a pair of rather tame Tufted Ducks. However, in the air there were a hundred or so Swifts flying around hawking insects. I have never tried to photograph Swifts before so I pointed my camera skywards and rattled off 50 or so shots. The shot below was the best and I think I will be trying again soon.

Now to go in search of the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker. We didn't have to wait long before a male Great Spotted Woodpecker came into view, but this wasn't what we were after.

However, not long after the real thing turned up, a cracking male Lesser Spotted Woodpecker. It posed for several minutes high on a dead tree, before dropping down on to a closer tree where it spent many more minutes drumming.

Well, what a superb day. Lesser Spots are getting quite rare these days with fewer and fewer each year. This bird was in Essex and apparently without a mate, and is it now four years since I have seen one in Hertfordshire. Thanks to Richard Stead for the heads up.

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