Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Spring, Warblers.......and Nightingales

13th April 2016


.........and that birdy today is the Nightingale. There are a few sites where Nightingales can still be found, but I think the most reliable for hearing them, possibly seeing them and hopefully photographing them is EWT Fingringhoe Wick.

All boded well when I stepped out of the car and could immediately hear a Nightingale singing down by the picnic area so off I went. Many other birds also had a spring in their step including this male Great Tit and male Blackcap.

Just past the picnic area the adders were once again on show, this time a pair featuring a rather splendid pale male.

But back to the main business of the day. I have been to Fingringhoe several times in the Spring and on most occasions have heard the Nightingales, usually catch a glimpse or two, but have only once managed to get a reasonable shot, but today was different. It was a nice sunny day, the birds had only just arrived and were all intent on staking out their territories so were singing loud and clear from the tops of trees and bushes. It was helped of course by the fact that most trees were not in leaf, the only exceptions being Elder and Hawthorn which were starting to green up, which provided a nice back-cloth to the photos.

WOW. What a day!!!!

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