Friday 6 June 2014

Temminck's Stints at Tyttenhanger

20th May 2014

Local patching can be both very frustrating and very rewarding and Tyttenhanger near Hatfield is no exception. Tyttenhanger is a very large site ranging from Willows Farm in the west to the main pit in the east, but nevertheless Steve Blake covers the whole area most days. Frustrating, because you can go a year without finding anything remotely of interest but then that MEGA turns up and all the effort was worthwhile.

Today was one of those days when two small waders turned up on the main pit which were eventually confirmed as Temminck's Stints. On hearing the news I rushed over to the viewpoint by the conveyor belt where Steve and a selection of regular Herts birders were on hand to point them out on a distant spit. This was far too far for even a record shot but over the next half an hour they moved to a closer spit and eventually to the closest spit, still some distance away but near enough for some record shots.

Congratulations to Steve on a great find and here's to many more.

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